Cat Portrait Dolls

♻️ A repurpose project • 2022

These portrait dolls of my grey Scottish Straight and Mackeral Tabby are painted with acrylic on fabric. No new fabrics were purchased, and all materials and stuffing are repurposed fabric scraps from other previous projects.

Additional credit: Original sewing patterns for the cat dolls are created by Tatyana Maksimenko.

The models in question:

Oshie (left) enjoys floor flops, exposing his belly and chewing on crinkly things.

Gunthrr (right) likes to plant his dusty butt on all our pillows and bringing home critter friends (sometimes not always intact🪦).

Here are some behind-the-scenes and in progress captures of my process. The body of the dolls are constructed by piecing together scrap fabrics and then painted over with acrylic. The filling is also finely cut scraps I have saved over the years. No fabric or thread cuttings are ever thrown away.


Haunted BNB


Tiny Qipao