
Sometimes I would wake up distraught, shaken

welcome the thrill of being taken on a roller coaster of emotions.


When I was little, I would have frequent nightmares. Sometimes they were frightening.

In the waking world I’m distracted, longing to go back to a dark wonderland that defies sense and logic. Where I, the journeychild, am free of real world stresses, anxieties, physical handicaps and fatigue. The landscape is that of a

Where I may step from story to story for what seems like an eternity, unearthing, observing and slowly absorbing.

These dreams are not epics but a collection of small vignettes. Seemingly unrelated, but a through line can be discerned as they bleed like ink from one portrait to another: Death (particularly relating to family), Helplessness, Imprisonment, and most of all, Quietness.

Quietness will be the main environment. She will be the companion to the journeychild as they meander through the different chapters; the supporting character; sometimes the guardian and always the ever present-watcher.

I don’t mean quiet as in completely devoid of sound as there will be carefully crafted audio effects to help lay the landscape of the mood and tone, but rather the idea of quietness in somber subject matters, scarcity of dialogue, missing context and a complete absence of judgement and preconceived notions.

t must have been in elementary school when I remember telling my classmate about these series of nightmares I would have.

and told me my dreams were very disturbing and that this was not normal.

It must have been in elementary school when I remember telling my classmate about these series of nightmares I would have.

Develope an interest in sharing scary stories. Gave me an odd look and told me my dreams were very disturbing and that this was not normal.

A through line: death (specifically of family), monsters, and quiet desperation.

Sometimes I wake up very shaken from the nightmarish adventures, but most of the times I’m always eager to go back for another visit.

but when I’m in the waking world I’m always longing to go back to dream.


Journeychild & Quietness

It must have been in elementary school when I remember telling my classmate about these series of nightmares I would have.

Develope an interest in sharing scary stories. Gave me an odd look and told me my dreams were very disturbing and that this was not normal.

Click the chapters below to begin the journey of your dreams.

Chapter 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9

*New chapters every month.

What We Dream When We Dream

by Tiffany Shih

Best with headphones 🎧

The making of.

Insights and behind-the-scenes-content to the writing, illustration, and all around creative process behind the digital story experience of What We Dream When We Dream.


Little Snowshow